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Perilis Probiotic Premium products were tested at the Stefan Angelov Institute of Microbiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in two laboratories:

Under the guidance of Prof. Hristo M. Naidenski, MD, Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in the Department of Infectious Microbiology, a number of tests proved the effectiveness of the products.:

  • bacteriostatic effect against gram-positive bacteria.
  • fungiostatic effect against fungi of the genus Candida Albicans.
  • Anti-mite effect – neutralizing the action of allergens from the excrement of mites.

Under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maya Zaharieva, in the Laboratory of Cytotoxicity and Signal Transduction the safety of the products was proven..

Eurofins Scientific is a world leader in bioanalytical testing. Their portfolio offers over 200,000 analytical methods for assessing the safety, identity, composition, authenticity, origin, traceability and purity of biological substances and products..

Research at Eurofins has shown that Perilis Probiotic products meet the ISO 17516 standard.

Accredited Analytical Center for Laboratory Tests “Komihris” The subject of activity of the laboratory is physico-chemical and microbiological testing of a wide range of food and cosmetic products, food additives, detergents, etc.

This laboratory examines the produced batches of Perilis Probiotic products in terms of standards: BDS EN ISO 13720: 2010, BDS EN ISO 16649-3: 2015, BDS EN ISO 6888-3: 2005 + AC: 2005, BDS EN ISO6579-1 : 2017, BDS EN ISO 11290-1: 2017, BDS EN ISO7932: 2005, ISO4831t.9.1: 2016, BDS EN ISO 18416: 2016

Studies of Comichris

Test report

“Air Label Score” is the first international certificate that clearly identifies the products with the least emissions.
To ensure consumers the best available information on indoor air emissions of products, the Air Label Score certification is based on more than 125 national and international standards, regulations and recommendations. Analyzes are based on ISO standards and partner laboratories are accredited by national agencies such as COFRAC and BELAC.
The Bed Probiotic product is A+ certified.

Air Label Score certificate

Analysis report

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