Product exchange policy
The packaging and storage of PROBIOACTION orders is carried out in our central warehouse. In case of missing products in the orders, due to lack of stock, some of them can be replaced by our packaging team. Products will only be replaced if you have indicated that you agree upon order completion. Our team will try to choose the most suitable similar product in terms of price and quality. Specific products that have no analogue will be deducted from the order.
Notification of corrections and deduction of missing products from the final bill
Information on all corrections to the order will be sent to your email, while the changes are reflected in your profile. For cash on delivery orders, the missing products will be deducted from the final amount of the order.
Packaging process and why products are missing
Our availability system visualizes all available products in our warehouse at the time of your shopping. Sometimes it is possible for products to run out of stock after you have completed your order. This is because our team has started packing orders completed before yours in which the same products have been ordered and availability has run out before packing your order. Our team works hard to maintain sufficient availability so as to minimize the possibility of a missing product.
This Exchange Policy enters into force on …………………………..